A children's writer,
Christian writer,
motivational and corporate writer,
and soon to be novelist
'There is more pleasure to building castles in the air
than on the ground' - Edward Gibbon
I write children, Christian and motivational books and stories to encourage
resilience, self exploration, self belief and accountability. I also write English curriculum with an 'accessible to all' mindset.
Creative Me
Ella's Handbag won the Victoria Independent Education Union (VIEU), 2009 Jan Bavinton Award. Lollipop Whistle's Woes was sponsored by Victorian councils and School Crossing Victoria, and was part of a school crossing safety initiative. A Birthday Boy Named Jesus was originally published by the Christian Division of Wombat books. All 3 books have been picked up by an off shore publisher and will be translated into Maltese, reworked and reprinted.
Academic Me
I have written 3 academic courses being used to teach Intensive English Programs and I have co-written 2 courses that were used to teach English to Health Care and Community Health Care workers; I have designed VCE English and VCE EAL courses; I have validated EAL and GE courses. I was the editor of an ezine for 3 years which received an average of 3000 unique visitors each edition. I write media releases, newsletters and blogs.